Hard to believe that it is July 3 already and the big racing day of July 4 is here!
I am co-race director of the July 4 Putnam County Classic 8 miler, starting at 8 a.m. in front of Mahopac High school ---I am so happy that friends are coming up to run, when they have closer races: Frank (see his 2003 race report on his blog -
www.rundangerously.blogspot.com, Rob, Don and Pam are all running -yippee!!! For any last minute entrants, you can find flyer/directions on www.runner.org
We should have a good race this year --this event has been going on for 31 years, and we have dedicated volunteers!, and the weather promises to be good. Lee and I have been working constantly this past month and all the pieces are in place -of course whatever can go wrong, will go wrong, so I expect some glitches. Just las night I found out that we needed more cash, boxes for water stop cups, pens for registration and more flyer copies! We will have t-shirts and ice cream coupons for all entrants and water stops in 6 different locations -plus food after the race. My brother Bobby's salsa will have chips and dip! The lake course is also beautiful, save for one trafficy area ---here is our 2008 t-shirt, modeled by my cat! You can see our sponsors -Bikeway, Coldstone cremery (they also donated ice cream coupons to all entrants),Mahopac national bank and Bobby's salsa.
So looking forward to it Emmy. Can't wait to see you at the finish. Any thing I can do at the last minute ... please let me know. I've recruited a total of 5 people from the area to run. Yee hah! My husband wanted to know if you were going to hop onto the course after shooting the starters pistol?!?
Pam --looking forward to seeing you tommorrow --I am thrilled that you recruited 5 runners! Tommorrow will be a 'work/rest' day for me. I plan to be on route 6N directing runners (will get a ride from lead car?)and may have to jog back to finish from mile 3 (about a mile) to then be at finish area. I had asked Lee ow I would get from 6N back to the finish and she said 'run'!!!
Oh boy...does this mean I have to come run this one ?
I'm not sure which made me laugh more ... the question you asked Lee, or Lee's response! :)
See you in the mornin'!
Anthony - YES it does. Bring the fam. My girls will be there. They can all play together.
Love the shirt design. Wish I could be there, if it wasn't for this unexpected surgery I would have come with a couple of friends but right now, I am lucky if I get a couple of miles in at all. Good luck.
anthony -geez -you are only running 50 miles on saturday!! So hope you come -will give you the pre-reg discount. Myriam -will save a shirt for you!
Hope all goes well Emmy and best wishes for a great race.
The shirt looks great, Emmy! Sorry I wasn't able to make it but I'm thinking about joining you for the Around the Lake Ultra at the end of the month.
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