This Saturday, Frank, Gail and I manned a water stop at the Norwalk 1/2 marathon --our stop was at mile 5 and 11 (it is a loop course) and situated at the top of a long hill, so the runners were all in need of water!! The time went by quickly --it was actually hard work, being on our feet for 2 1/2 hours....and we knew 50 percent of the field, so could cheer our friends on. We were happy that Frank got his tests back and everything normal except for the anemia --he just needs to take iron and get a few more tests and will be on the road to recovery.. And who should I see running but an old New York girlfriend,Dale!! It was good to connect with her again. Iwas so proud of our friend Kate (shown in photo with her hardware) for getting 3rd place in her age group in the summer series!!! Great job, Kate..While I was doing this, my son Hank went on a 12 mile hike at Mohonk mtn house...I had dropped him off early at the scout house so had to get up anyway! He had a great time, leaving me with Ike for the afternoon ---we went to a library open house and had ice cream and snow cones. Last night, I tossed and turned --was invited to a big party but declined as just wasn't into socializing and drinking (not like me) --it was a dreary, rainy night!..probably fell asleep at midnight and the alarm clock went off at 5 --ugh...met Rob and Don at cos cob train station for the Queens 1/2 marathon --we had a great time talking in the car even at that early hour --Don was exhausted from Yesterday -and got to the streets by MacNeil park at 6:10 --we walked a mile to the start, where we parted ways (I put Don's shirt in my bag) --I was in the second corral and at 7 a.m. we were off -way, way too early for speedwork!! But I wanted to take this race fairly seriously and so ran the first 3 miles in 7:10 -but the humidity and temps and my tired body wold not allow me to keep up the pace so scaled back and ended up finishing in 1:35 -good for first place in age group (marie on vacation, sharon injured so luck).
I think I won my entry fee back -haha -we met at the end, and walked back to the car -Don even bought cokes and pepsis for us. Then, my other son got invited on a hike--way too hot --and I left at 2:30 to get ice, and go set up for a school party...thankfully it's over. Just remembered my 9th grader has trumpet at 6 a.m. tomm -ugh...
Fantastic Job in the 1/2 marathon ! Amazing !
Good job. It is so much fun to man a table specially when you know the runners. I really enjoy it
Congrats Emmy. Great job ... not only on your Queens 1/2 results but being Super Mom and Super Volunteer. How do you keep it all together?
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